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Yoga changes the game of life - how can the Universe direct us to the right life mission?

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Why do we keep going back to the mat anyway?


How magical can this strip of material be that when we step onto it, we find ourselves in our space - a safe place where our faith knows no end. We feel a release and an extraordinary connection to the earth, our body, and our mind.


Yes, new possibilities are born on the mat that can change your life once and for all. Just open yourself up to them...


Yoga has transcended its origins to become a worldwide phenomenon that not only promotes physical well-being, but also offers profound spiritual and psychological benefits.


This transformative practice can be a key element in discovering one's life mission, guided by the wisdom of the universe.


Come explore with me how yoga can align you with your true path and help you use the guidance of the Universe to fulfill your life's mission...



Understanding yoga off the mat


Yoga is more than just physical postures. It is a balanced approach to life.

It combines physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines to achieve a state of peace and self-realization.


At its core, yoga helps practitioners cultivate harmony between body and mind, with the help of deep, deliberate breathing and mindful meditation.



The role of meditation


Meditation, a key element of yoga, allows for deeper self-awareness and connection to the Universe.

It calms the mind and opens the heart, creating space for insight and intuition.


Through regular meditation, you can begin to perceive the subtle signs and synchronicities that the Universe presents to you, guiding you toward your life's mission.


Imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable heel sit, a crossed sit on a mat or even a quiet position on a chair with your eyes closed. The body is relaxed and the mind is present. 

The moment you begin to meditate (I recommend meditation music as an accompaniment), your chakra system of the Universe opens.


Imagine an imaginary string with all the chakras placed along your spine.

Through it, you receive the flow of warm energy and signs. These signs can direct you to your subconscious mind.



...and how does yoga align you with your life's mission?

You will get a clear mind!

Yoga will clear your mental mirror and help you see your strengths, passions, and potential more clearly. This clarity can reveal what really matters to you, guide your decisions, and align your actions with your deepest values.


Physically and emotionally, you'll be free!

Asanas (postures) and Pranayama (breathing techniques) release physical tension and emotional blockages.

This release is essential for opening to new possibilities and embracing life changes that are in alignment with your soul's mission.


It will enhance your intuition!

Yoga strengthens your intuitive abilities and allows you to trust your feelings and inner guidance. This enhanced intuition is a direct channel through which the Universe communicates and guides you to make decisions that are in alignment with your life mission.


Let's give examples of specific transformations...


Finding peace

Take the story of a high-ranking executive who turned to yoga to manage stress.

The practice awakened his passion for wellness, so he left his corporate job and started a consulting company in the field, aligning his career with his newfound mission.


From depression to recovery

Another man recovered from severe depression with the help of yoga. His transformation through yoga inspired him to become a yoga instructor and focus on helping others find healing and peace, thus discovering his life's mission.


I can personally relate to the second example because my situation affected my future direction in the same way. I have fallen into the practice so much from my passion for yoga that I have expanded my experience and skills to enable me to teach and guide needy individuals toward the same goal of relaxation, healing, and a fulfilled life.



Tips on how to use yoga for spiritual guidance


The key is consistency...

Practice regular yoga and meditation.

The discipline of daily practice enhances the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits and increases your receptivity to universal guidance.


Stay open and receptive!

Be open to whatever comes up in the practice. Sometimes the guidance of the Universe comes in unexpected ways - perhaps as a chance encounter, a sudden opportunity, or even a loss that redirects your path.


Think and write it down!

After each yoga class, take some time to reflect on your experience and write down any insights or feelings that came up.

This can help you track your spiritual development and recognize patterns or messages.


Seek guidance...

Don't hesitate to seek out experienced yoga teachers or spiritual guides who can offer insight into your practice and spiritual journey.



Yoga and its Spiritual Vision


Yoga offers a spiritual vision that sees life as interconnected and meaningful.

It teaches that each person has a unique dharma (duty or purpose) to fulfill that is intricately woven into the larger cosmic scene.


By aligning with this vision, yoga practitioners can move toward a life that is not only personally fulfilling, but also beneficial to others and in harmony with the world.


What to say in conclusion...?

Yoga is a gateway to understanding your deepest self and aligning with the intentions the Universe has for you.


Accept this path with an open heart and let yoga guide you to your true mission in life.

Has yoga helped you find your direction? How has your life turned around during your experience of yoga practice?

Are you still exploring your calling?

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Background Photo of the author Linda Culba!
Picture of the author: Linda Culba!

Linda Culba

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Yoga teacher and esoteric enthusiast who discovers new opportunities to improve his life through spirituality!...

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