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Chakras and their impact on our health

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"I am going to go straighten up for yoga and leave everything on the mat!", I often hear from clients, and I phrase it that way myself when I've had a busy day at the office. But what do they actually mean? 

This cleansing process is about aligning the body's chakras, which are more specifically the energy channels or centers in our body that have specific importance to our daily functioning.


The concept of body chakras has a rich history deeply rooted in Eastern philosophy and spirituality. Each chakra controls specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. While this concept may seem esoteric to some, many practitioners and researchers are exploring the potential influence of these centers on our health and overall well-being. 

Let's dive into the 7 major body chakras, their functions, and how they can affect our health daily.


Understanding the chakras and recommended asanas for their support and function


In the Sanskrit language, the word "chakra" translates as "wheel" or "disk," representing the idea of the rotation of energy centers in the body. These centers are often represented as colorful, swirling vortices that extend from the base of the spine to the crown of the head along the central axis of the body. Each chakra is associated with a particular color, element, sound, and aspect of human existence.

We will describe them in turn from the bottom to the highest chakra, which dominates everything.


Understanding the chakras and recommended asanas for their support and function


In the Sanskrit language, the word "chakra" translates as "wheel" or "disk," representing the idea of the rotation of energy centers in the body. These centers are often represented as colorful, swirling vortices that extend from the base of the spine to the crown of the head along the central axis of the body. Each chakra is associated with a particular color, element, sound, and aspect of human existence.

We will describe them in turn from the bottom to the highest chakra, which dominates everything.


The Root chakra (Mulandhara) is located at the base of the spine, it is characterized by a fiery red color, and the main element is the Earth. The function of this chakra is grounding, its survival instincts, and its connection to the physical world. These functions are mostly found in the legs, feet, bones, and colon, so if we are talking about instability in this chakra, it is when we are talking about a problem with being overweight, constipated, or arthritic. By using the right foods, such as meat, we can supply the body with sufficient protein and we can also prevent the development of hemorrhoids or knee problems.

Fruits and vegetables include cherries summer strawberries or raspberries, red peppers or beetroot.

And what yoga poses can we practice to support the proper function of this chakra?

Bringing your knees to your chest on the mat while lying down, a low bridge, grasshopper, or pincer position, at the same time as bowing or anchoring meditation in the Malasana position can ground you sufficiently and restore a sense of stability and connection to the earth.


The Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is located in the lower abdomen, below the belly button, in the genitals, is characterized by the color orange, and the main element is Water. The function of this chakra is creativity, passion emotional balance, desire, or sexuality. Instability of this chakra manifests as a bladder problem, lower back pain or infertility, or weakness of the kidneys or circulatory system. As this chakra is associated with Water, it is also its greatest stimulant for health, so it is essential to supply it with sufficient fluids and foods containing water, such as melons, oranges, carrots, or pumpkin, which also have anti-cancer properties. In addition, almonds, walnuts, or cashews.

And what yoga poses can we practice to support the proper function of this chakra?

The popular goddess or bliss position, in which we relax the pelvic bottom while lying down, and the inverted triangle position, which with its slight rotation helps to stimulate the fertility center in women. The pelvic cradle, where you transfer weight from one side to the other while lying on the mat, is also a relaxing tool to unblock the spine.


The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is located in the upper abdomen, below the chest, and is characterized by the color bright yellow and the main element is Fire. The function of this chakra is personal power, assertiveness, self-confidence, and digestion. These functions also appear in the digestive system, muscles, and adrenal glands. Insufficient stimulation of this chakra can result in digestive disorders, diabetes ulcers, or hypoglycemia. In terms of foods, helpful foods include pineapple and banana, corn or yellow peppers, or buckwheat or quinoa.

And what yoga poses can we practice to support the proper function of this chakra?

Some of the most well-known and probably most popular are the bow and boat pose, the warrior I position, and of course the downward-facing dog or inverted plank, which can beautifully circulate and jump-start this chakra.


The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is located in the center of the chest and is dominated by the color green, the main element this time is Air. The function of this chakra is warm love, compassion, and emotional healing. It appears in the lungs, the heart itself, and the arms. Insufficient stimulation of this chakra can cause longer-term illnesses or problems such as asthma, high blood pressure, or heart and lung disease.

In terms of food, we have a rich variety of vegetables such as leafy salads, spinach or avocado, zucchini or broccoli, and in terms of fruit, sour apples, kiwi or grapes are also rich in antioxidants.

And what are the specific yoga postures that help us to have a healthy functioning of this chakra?

Balancing and often practiced poses include the dancer 's pose, which opens the chest and also strengthens the stability of the entire center, the more challenging camel pose with less bend or cobra pose, and the more advanced wheel or bow pose, which is ideal for stimulating the heart area.


The Throat chakra (Vishuddha) is located in the throat and is blue in color with the element of the Universe. The function of this chakra is clear communication, self-expression, and truthfulness or creativity. This chakra is located in the thyroid gland, throughout the throat mouth, and ears. As indicated by the body parts themselves, difficulties can manifest as sore throats and severe colds in the vocal cords, a stiff neck or blocked cervical spine, difficulty with hearing, or the thyroid gland itself. Among foods, especially fruits, plums, or blueberries, also rich in antioxidants, pears, coconut, and honey are very effective helpers.

And what are the yoga postures for this chakra?

The lesser-known lion position, where the very purpose is to open the mouth wide and stick out the tongue to give vent to the vocal cords while sitting on the heels and inverted wrists in the stretch. Another more commonly practiced position is the candle plow or fish position. In all cases, we can rely on vigorous stimulation of the throat chakra, which may seem uncomfortable or challenging at first, but over time, with regular practice, a relief and pleasant unblocking will take hold, leading to a free flow of thoughts in your head and communication.


The Third eye chakra (Ajñña) is located between the eyebrows and the color Indigo or dark blue, ink, the element is Light. The function is intuition, or our perception and wisdom, and is located in the eyes and the small brain. Weakening of this chakra can cause excruciating headaches, eye tiredness or even blindness, or nightmares during sleep. To support the proper function of this chakra, we recommend red cabbage or aubergine, while fruits such as figs or blackberries are excellent, as well as cocoa or chia seeds, and a chamomile decoction for a restful sleep.

Let's mention a few more positions to strengthen this chakra...

In this case, we will focus on mostly seated positions such as cow, lotus, and child positions. This also includes some forward bending poses with the arms connected behind the back, downward facing dog, or balance warrior III or pyramid positions.

It all has to do with mental connection and knowing that we are in the present moment.


So, we come to the last and highest chakra, which is located on the top of the head. The Crown chakra (Sahasrara) is considered to be the most precious, the color purple, is associated with higher consciousness, spirituality, and enlightenment, and its element is Thought. This chakra allows us to "touch the universe and the highest consciousness". Its power is located in our central nervous system and brain cortex. Since our entire health depends on mental stability, we must avoid possible conditions such as depression, confusion, boredom, apathy, or just creative block or alienation. As for stimulation and support in food, we can indulge in copious amounts of radishes beans, and nuts. In this case, essential oils from herbs are much sought after to support our senses. The calming effects of lavender or fresh eucalyptus for breathing support, as well as lemon balm teas.


For the final relaxation, essential oils are also very often used for a more pleasant relaxation. The place to rub a small drop of oil is in the palm of the hand, which is then spread in both palms at the end and placed against the face or between the eyebrows, which will spread its scent over the face and with each breath add the relaxing experience of the whole Savasana position (also known as the dead man 's position).


The goal of each class is to align specific chakras so that we go home with a smile on our face, a light head, and a pleasant stretch throughout the body, with the desire to keep coming back and experience these irreplaceable feelings of happiness and contentment permanently.


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Linda Culba

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Yoga teacher and esoteric enthusiast who discovers new opportunities to improve his life through spirituality!...

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